Tuesday, November 25, 2014

How I Spent My Day

We are loving the time we have with my mom this week, and I'm really thankful to have this week free from alarm clocks, schedules and deadlines.

But first things first. We have to get our work done.  Buddy Roller did his school work of reading and journaling. Today's book...My Heart Is Like A Zoo. It's a really cool book, you should check it out.

Next stop...a trip to the mall. Why not? We have to get out and stretch our legs, right?  And the weather in the A-T-L was mild and B-E-A-utiful in the 60's.  No coat needed, just a long sleeve tee and a cozy scarf. Don't you just love days like this?  We took our time, too, just browsing from store to store, and then we had lunch.  There was no hustle and bustle today.

And no trip to the mall is complete without a stop at the Lego store.

Or....a stop for some frozen yogurt with gummy bears and worms, plus M&Ms right?

Back at home it was folding loads of laundry with some help from mom.  And just because she's in town, The Hubs and I are heading out for a date tonight.  We've talked about seeing a movie and then going somewhere for yummy dessert. Who knows what we'll end up doing!  We haven't done this in a while...it's so strange to be able to have some time for just the two of us.

I could really get used to my mom being here.


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