Sunday, November 30, 2014

This Is What Happens

This is what happens when you let a five year old stay up as late as he wants for eight days straight over Thanksgiving break!

He won't want to go to sleep the Sunday night before he has to go back to school.

I had it all planned out too. He got a bath early around 7:30 p.m.  We read two books, and we talked about them.  Then we said prayers and dimmed the lights.  I knew it was going to be a long night when he didn't fall asleep right away.  Then the pleas started. "Mommy can I sleep in your bed pleeeaaassseee?" That with a little extra big pleading eyes with a side of long black eyelashes.  When that didn't work, there was a tummy ache and some other complaints about him laying in bed "for like forever!" OMG talk about an epic fail!

I'm sooo glad I won't have to deal with the wrath of him tomorrow morning when he has to wake up and actually go to school! The Hubs will have to deal with that awesome personality.  I'm so thankful he's a patient man.  So thankful!

Things are quiet and peaceful back at our house as my mom is spending this week at my sister's.  I'm missing her already.  I really am.  And you know what I discovered? I really love a full house with lots of people.  During Thanksgiving week, we had up to four family members staying at our house.   It was awesome! There was always lots of food, laughter, conversation, and good company...all the right ingredients for family and love.

I'm really dreading going back to work tomorrow, and it's not because I don't like my job because I do.  I really think it's because I'll miss sleeping in and the freedom that comes with no know, doing what you want when you want. I'll just have to look at the bright side...three more weeks to go, and then I'll have two weeks off.

Have a great week!

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