Sunday, November 23, 2014

How It Should Be On Sundays

One of the things I've been missing most in my life since moving away from my mom is Sunday dinner. I've missed how it should be every Sunday...a full house, with my mom and sister cooking and contributing to the feast. Talking. Laughing. Family together.  What could be better than that?

And today, I got to be in the middle of the preparation for Sunday dinner with both my mom and sister. It was priceless as we tried to prepare many dishes while maneuvering our way in my very small kitchen.

We prepared several dishes. There was my mom's famous fried chicken, my sister's Cajun chicken, garden salad, garlic zucchini with Parmesan cheese, my honey Teriyaki jerk salmon, a big pot of rice and peas, and of course dessert...pumpkin pie and double chocolate marshmallow cookies.

But it was less about the food...even though everything was delicious.

It was more about family.  Even Buddy Roller was enjoying quality time with his Uncle Rich! This day was special.  It's what I've been missing.

And it's how it ought to be...every Sunday.

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