Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Lessons from The Alchemist

Besides The Kite Runner, The Alchemist is one of a few books that I've re-read. And it seems each time I read this book, I discover new meaning and life lessons...

I'll be honest. I had heard great things and read awesome reviews about this book. But the first time I read it, I was concerned I had missed something. It seemed so simple. Too simple.

So I read it again.  The second time I didn't try to analyze too much. I just read it for what it is. And then I got it.

What it is, is an effortless story.  Told in an uncomplicated easy way. It follows the travels of Santiago, a shepherd boy, who is in search of a treasure.  Along his way,  he encounters obstacles and the advice of many.  Isn't that life though?  Sometimes you set out on a mission and there are roadblocks that challenge you, and those closest to you always want to offer their unsolicited advice. And if you're not careful, you could all together abandon your plan!

Now that I've read this book at least three times, the big lessons that stand out to me are follow your dreams, don't let fear hold you back, and sometimes the very thing you are searching for is already right within you! There are many more lessons, but I think you should find those on your own.

I have a feeling that this is a book I will be re-reading again and again.

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