Sunday, June 7, 2015

"Never Mind."

These two little words have been on my mind. And for good reason. Buddy Roller said them to me the other day, and they sort of really hurt my heart.

Want to know why?

If you have a youngster in your life, then you'll probably understand that it's hard having an adult conversation without being interrupted...several times.  Right?

And then I found this great solution that we've been trying.  Read about it here before going any further.  But.  Things haven't turned out quite as well as I'd hoped they would. You see, the solution was working well initially.  Buddy Roller would hold on to my wrist, patiently and quietly I might add. I would then hold on to his wrist to acknowledge the fact that he needed me. I would finish up my sentence, and then I would ask him what he needed. The trouble was he started saying, "Never mind. I forgot," in a defeated way. And it just broke my heart!

You see, to a five year old, everything needs immediate attention. Everything is exciting and incredulous all at the same time. And you know what? I want to hear what my son has to say. I do. Even if it's not that exciting to me. Why? Because he won't be five forever.

You've probably been there. You're having a conversation with a friend.  You're trying to get caught up on life, but her child keeps interrupting her and being a "mom" she answers to her child, several times, during your conversation. Before you know it, you can't even remember what you were talking about. Yes, it can be frustrating, but instead of being judgmental, just grant some understanding.  Moms are just being moms because sometimes (okay...most times) little ones need attention now.

So the next time we're having a conversation, and I'm a little distracted by my five year old, please excuse me. I may just want to hear what he has to say. 

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